About LTU
Lawrence Technological University is about “Theory and Practice” – taking abstract ideas into the real world to solve tomorrow’s problems. Lawrence Tech's reputation comes as much from the present as it does from LTU's storied past.
Lawrence Tech was born in 1932 during the middle of an innovation explosion that would change the world. None other than Henry and Edsel Ford helped launch the revolutionary experiment that would become LTU, providing guidance and space in their sprawling former Model T assembly plant for the fledgling school.
Today, Lawrence Tech is still changing the world. Since those early beginnings students and alumni have gone on to design and engineer the tools, buildings, and products that helped define their generations. And tomorrow’s LTU students will do the same.
What's New?
LTU News
Lawrence Technological University’s Marburger STEM Center will hold its “Extreme Science Saturdays” programs for high schoolers online for the 2020...
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Like so many other educational activities, Lawrence Technological University’s Robofest World Championship is moving online this year....
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